Reporting Another Player

BY Little Sister



We'd like to think that everyone would want to play well with each other in Project ETHOS, but in the real world that's not always the case. We take reports of inappropriate player behavior very seriously, so we're always updating and improving how we take in and respond to them to ensure they’re handled in the best way possible.

For information on what may be against the Terms of Service, you can check them out here, and the Project ETHOS Code of Conduct here.


How can I report someone that is cheating or engaging in harassment?

  1. While in Haven, select 'Inspect' on another player
  2. In the profile pop-up, scroll to select 'Report'
  3. Select a reason for the report (i.e. Verbal Abuse)
  4. Provide more details in the available text box about the player or the situation. The more detailed, the better!
  5. Hit 'Send Report'

Alternatively, you can use our Project ETHOS Support Site to send us a ticket with a complete report.


How do I send a complete report?

When you send a report about another player you believe has violated our Terms of Service, we ask that you keep the following in mind:

  1. Make sure you’re reporting only one user at a time. If you're reporting multiple users, you'll need to make a separate report for each one.
  2. When you can, try to provide accurate evidence through specific videos or screenshots of the in-game violations. The more detailed, the better!
  3. Keep in mind that reports should be for actions or creations inside our games, not on other platforms. For example, we're unable to accept reports, recordings, or pictures of Discord chats, but we're happy to investigate actions that have taken place within our games like in-game chat.

If you're unsure how to send images or videos, here's our guide.


What happens if I send a report? Will you always take action on the other player?

If you send us a report, we will review the reported content or behavior to determine whether a violation of our policies has occurred. Please be aware that sometimes we may be unable to action certain reports based on the evidence provided. If that happens, we will endeavor to let you know and give you an opportunity to provide us with more evidence of the suspected violation.

In cases where we do take enforcement action against the reported player, we may be able to let you know that we have acted appropriately on your report, but to protect the reported player’s privacy and security we won't always be able to share details with you of what enforcement action was taken. Similarly, to protect your privacy, we will never tell the reported player that it was you who reported them to us.

Please note that if you abuse our reporting functionality, for instance, by submitting baseless reports, we may be forced to take enforcement action against you. So, please act responsibly and only report genuine concerns.


What happens if you are found in violation of our Code of Conduct?

There are a lot of factors in what action can be taken against a Code of Conduct offense. How severe the offense, how many reports we have received, and any previous history of penalties can have an effect. Actions can range from a warning to a permanent account ban from the game, but also includes chat muting, temporary suspensions, being locked out of queues for a time, and failure to gain XP for a match.